What Is the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation?
An advocate for peace, international law and a world without nuclear weapons.
The Foundation not only educates but is a nonpartisan advocate of
achieving peace, strengthening international law, and ending the nuclear
weapons threat to humanity.
A force for challenging reliance on nuclear weapons. The Foundation challenges the rationale of countries that justify reliance upon nuclear weapons for deterrence (see our video “The Myth of Nuclear Deterrence” and our “Santa Barbara Declaration: Reject Nuclear Deterrence, an Urgent Call to Action”).
A source of inspiration to the next generation that a better world is possible. The Foundation empowers young people through contests, internships and peace leadership trainings, seeking to raise their level of awareness and engagement in issues of peace, nuclear disarmament and global security.
A pioneer in Peace Leadership and Peace Literacy training. The Foundation is pioneering peace leadership and peace literacy trainings and workshops for people throughout the country. The program is led by Paul K. Chappell, a West Point graduate and author of six books on ending war and waging peace.
A catalyst for engaging the arts in peace. The Foundation encourages peace in the arts through its annual Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Awards and and its annual Swackhamer Disarmament Video Contest.
A forum for reexamining national and global priorities. The Foundation organizes forums and lectures, including its annual Frank K. Kelly Lecture on Humanity’s Future, on key issues confronting humanity.
A storehouse of memory and source of analysis concerning key nuclear issues. The Foundation has created NuclearFiles.org as an on-going source of key information about the Nuclear Age. It also maintains extensive archives of articles on its WagingPeace.org website.
An organization that seeks to move nations to act for humanity. The Foundation participates in major international meetings, such as the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conferences, and seeks to influence national positions to achieve safer and saner policies, including support for a Nuclear Weapons Convention for the phased, verifiable, irreversible and transparent elimination of nuclear weapons. The Foundation consults with the Marshall Islands in their courageous Nuclear Zero lawsuits against the nine nuclear-armed countries in the International Court of Justice and, separately, against the U.S. in U.S. Federal Court.
A community of committed global citizens. The Foundation is composed of individuals from all walks of life and all parts of the globe who seek to end the nuclear weapons threat to humanity and to build a more just and peaceful world.
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