Kamala 'Sarup'

A Surprising Connection: How My Employers Changed My Life


Life has its twists and turns, and sometimes, unexpected encounters can shape our lives in profound ways. My bosses, Kelly Lavorgna and Andrew Bares, are true examples of excellence in their field.

When I lost my older sister, I left my old job and faced emotional pain and an uncertain future. The grief was overwhelming, leaving me lost and full of questions. I stopped writing the articles I used to write.


Nepal: People In Search Of A Future


Nepal: People In Search Of A Future A desire for job, security and opportunity is sending many of Nepal's young people out of the county in search of better lives. "I feel secure. My son goes to school regularly and my husband has started to work," she said. "At least no one will come in the middle of the night and threaten us like in Nepal. At least our lives are not in danger here."


Nepal's troubled society

Unemployment Inferiority Complex In Youths


By Kamala Sarup This is the true story of my friend, from my diary.


Provence and French Cooking


Author: Kamala 'Sarup'

Cape May County's got a new French restaurant called Provence. Cape May residents can taste delicious French cuisine. Located along route 9 at N Main Street and N mechanic Street, it brings out the best of French food all the way from France at a restaurant called Provence here in New Jersey.


Political theory holds that a sustainable politics


Political theory holds that a sustainable politics will engender a type of cooperation between the elected representatives of the people which results in accomplishments that are useful to the people who elected them rather than the representatives themselves.

When political deadlocks cause a static condition, or the elected representatives only care about their own personal wealth and accomplishments, such a democracy can easily give rise to a condition which is ripe for social unrest, even revolution or rebellion.


Returning to Work During COVID-19


Returning to Work During COVID-19

By Kamala Sarup I was at home for almost three months, without work, and it was not a happy time due to the ongoing pandemic.

In New Jersey, the unemployment rate reached 15.3%, in April, according to NJ.com (https://bit.ly/30kA8nw), due to the temporary closing of the businesses and establishments that helped put food on the table for these people.





By Kamala Sarup

Even much effort, and money were spent reducing poverty but the action is always relatively not effective. Among many factors the poor status of the development activities are also more responsible for the whole cause.


Looking for peace


Looking for peace

Kamala Sarup.

The fresh breeze coming out of my house gives me no reassurance. Life is bewildering and has its toxic properties. I can't believe my friend was shot in the first place. I feel strange and lonely in the middle of a mob of people walking home in the evening after a day's work.


Cancer and Women


Many women in developed and developing countries hesitate to visit doctors for their regular cancer check-up. They go when they have a problem, which puts their health at risk.

Cancer is one of the many reasons many women die every year, which is curable if treated in its early stage.My older sister died recently (January 2016) from breast cancer. She never went to her doctor for her regular check-up.



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