Women empowerment is key to economic development.


(revised article) Women empowerment depends on the wealth of a country. Women empowerment is key to social and economic development. Women generally have more discipline than men. Good economic program would help them straighten their financial needs and maintain fiscal discipline. Women are not only one of the founders of culture and society but also in all the countries of the world. The creation begins through women. After birth, growth, young, old, death, and even after death, women have played an unprecedented role in shaping and safeguarding to culture and society.

The role of women in politics and economics is increasing.  But, this is only in a paper not in practical use. Equality and justice can be maintained, if there was fifty percent rights in both politics and economics affairs. Even, women comprise at least fifty percent and more than 95 percent of women are effected by war, terrorism, violence and poverty. Rape and kidnapping have increased. Prostitution increased. Kidnap and torture still take place. Forceful recruitment of young women  is another serious issue.

Earlier participation of women in the political sectors was very low especially in the economic sectors. Though as an impact of International Women's year and decade, there had been started a discussion and debate regarding women's rights. In order change the socio economic and political status of women as well as to project their new role and image the women status, the role played by the women in the development  is generally very feeble and insignificant. We have yet to realize the importance of the eradication of women's discrimination. Involvement of education, politics and in the economic sector is very little hence rural women are incapable of fighting for their rights.

Some women got an opportunity to organize themselves. It was a good sign that more and more women's organizations were coming to support women to express their problems and experiences but after a few years they disappeared. Nowadays some other women organizations believe that their duty is fulfilled if a small program for women is provided. But this does not bring any change in the status of women.

It is true, nowadays women have been encouraged in political affairs. But they don't participate in politics due to parochial culture. Women are recruiting in the army, police and other forces are positive, but still women's participation in the  politics are very nominal. This applies to both urban politics and and rural politics. Many women avoid politics, as there is no adequate representation and participation of women.

There are millions of women who live below the poverty line, and are struggling from day to day to make end meet. Not at all, women are the ones who have suffered the most, and in most rural societies they are the ones who hold the family together.

Some political group were constantly saying that they will undertake further efforts to develop women's status. But thy can change their color and goal in the politics, because, they understand to adapt and adjust according to the changing environment.  

They are not trustworthy as both political and social partners, because, present they are running into water, fire, air, and sky not on earth. There are misunderstanding, misconception, mistrust, and mist of tension among themselves due to absence of idiosyncratic leadership.


Thus, good economic program could help increasing the income of the women and it helps to reduce the poverty. On the other hand, women's consensus is to establish stable government for all-round development and freedom by providing equal opportunities, both in rights and duties.  


This article was originally published by upiasiaonline.com. 

Copyright mediaforfreedom.com
