Kamala 'Sarup'

Education to accomplish a financial success


I am arguing in this article how helping poor students would help to build a great financial success to the nation. I have also sketched in this clause.


I need more poetry in my life


"Kamu, who is knocking at the door?" my aunt asked.  I was then in Jhapa,  during the last of May. She began to drink water from the pot and took a long breath. "How can I know who is at the door?" I said.


Ending Women’s poverty by social reformers, economist or socialist?.


My argument in this article is a series of statements to present a conclusion to ending women’s Poverty. Thus, I have outlined in this article how empowering women is important to end extreme poverty.


Operating an obligated democracy.


I have sketched in this article how obligated democracy works? Incompetent and selfish political leaders are worth to sustain in democracy? Is that how democracy works?


Sufficient economic, judicial and political equality for growth.


I have sketched in this article how we can defeat grassroots level of impoverishment? How we can prepare for sufficient economic, juridical and political equality?. My focal point is how economic policy will affect the development? What role do we require to raise? What about education, public policy, growth, alternative institutions, reform?


Why I trust an economic reform?


If we devote to technological education like programming, which is labor-intensive. Even that requires spending lots of money providing technical educations. Even so, we need to have sufficient money.


When Failed Political Leaders Gain Power


If the failed political leaders gain complete power, the subsequent history of this beautiful World is likely to follow the history of many other countries that adopted failed leaders or politics for a while, only to reject


Responsible leadership, economic democracy


In the meanwhile as before: poverty, unemployment, price rises,murder, is to continue. Political groups are to continue with their agitations. Political leaders are to spend their time and energy in wrangling and " talks". People are to continue suffering with lack of law and order and uncontrolled and uneven inflation and commodity prices.


Reducing Poverty and unemployment


Economic development will reduce poverty. If the leaders of countries promote education and economic development values that emphasize national and international identification, then the poverty will diminish, in the long run. If leaders promote sufficient economic, judicial and political equality, then the people at the bottom of the ladder will not want to topple those at the top.


Lawlessness have increased rape of women


Media have been reporting on the violence against women. Victimized women due to poverty, illiteracy, and social exclusion do not have the capacity to seek justice without help.



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