Empowering Democracy: A Blueprint for Economic Development and Well-being in America


Empowering Democracy: A Blueprint for Economic Development and Well-being in America


The Menace of Identity Theft: A Growing Concern


A recent event has brought attention to the widespread hazards that Americans who conduct online transactions face, serving as a sharp reminder of the growing threat of identity theft. The victim, who would rather stay anonymous, opened up about their experience and the startling data on identity theft cases in the nation. Identity theft has become the most common criminality, impacting millions of Americans every year because of hackers taking advantage of online weaknesses.


Netanyahu Is Unfit To Serve; He Must Resign Now


Netanyahu Is Unfit To Serve; He Must Resign Now Netanyahu is writing and directing Israel’s darkest chapter. Each day he remains in power, he is preventing an end to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, dangerously eroding its moral standing while making the country a pariah state that lives by the sword


To Let Suffering Speak: Käthe Kollwitz at the Museum of Modern Art


The Käthe Kollwitz exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art is a reminder of why art exists, and, at its best, what makes it of timeless, universal value. Kollwitz’s work fulfills the condition of truth, which as Theodor Adorno observed, is to let suffering speak. Or in her own words: “I felt that I have no right to withdraw from the responsibility of being an advocate. It is my duty to voice the sufferings of men, the never-ending sufferings heaped mountain-high.” Her work also compels us to reflect on the nature of feminism, especially as it relates to art.


Much confusion here between poor and rich


Works are symbols (abstractions) for other abstractions (e.g., Peace, War) and for tangibles, e.g. existing poor and rich. As symbols for tangibles, some works can be least abstract, i.e., the symbol for the poor now in your wallet, more abstract, i.e., the symbol for the rich located in your country. A symbol for the poor discussed in a book on the history of its use. In all of the above examples, the work "poor" is a symbol representing a tangible called "money".


The chasm between TB and HIV continues


A close-up of a train track

Description automatically generated “The two worst global health problems have combined forces well. But the institutions addressing them have miserably failed to put their act together,” wrote Dr Tim France, a noted global health thought leader, in an op-ed article titled “The chasm between TB and HIV” which was widely published in several newspapers of high TB burden countries in Asia Pacific and Africa in 2006.


United States unites for Peace in Israel and Palestine


Kamala Sarup

People across the United States are coming together in big cities to ask Israel and Hamas, a group in Palestine, to stop fighting. I joined this effort too. I'm suggesting that Israel and Palestine should stop fighting and try to find a way to end the wars without making things worse. To achieve long-lasting peace between the two countries, I think there should be two steps.



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