Kamala 'Sarup'

Disabled Children In New Jersey.


I worked at the Cape May County Special services school for a year in 2011 and during my tenure I came to realize the importance of quality education to the children who are physically and emotionally disabled. The former principal of Ocean Academy, Mary Margaret Lynn, was so wonderful and kind.


My Experiences participating in USIP training


Culture is the whole complex of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features that characterize a society or social group.


Story of a disappearance


Published in United Press International Asia News (UPI) blog.


Patients have been deprived of Anti HIV/AIDS Drugs


We all are facing with the growing H


Literature "write for love."


Reading Robert Frost, Maya Angelou, Bukowski and Shakespear means life, happiness, freedom, tragedy and enjoy moments, etc. I have never heard literature speak of hatred or any other kinds. They respect love, and freedom.


Breast cancer: She will always be missed !


Four years ago my beautiful and kind older sister Bimala was diagnosed with advanced Brest Cancer, died after a courageous battle against Brest cancer in January 2016 and grief hit me like a hell. I have lost her my idol role model.


Early Marriages Are Bad Practice


Published in Cape May County Herald. :Today, many countries have declared 18 as the legal minimum age for marriage, while these laws may exist on paper only. We should remember that high levels of early marriages have led to a rise in maternal and infant mortality throughout the world.


Village Tourism Activities for Local Economy


Dr Surendra Bhakta Pradhanang of Nepal is an award winning personality whose work has helped create a new face for tourism and economic development and the best thinker of village development and nation's development. Dr Pradhanang left a multi-career in village tourism development and economics to devote himself to giving a better life of village people and progress.


Tourism will create income and employment opportunities.


The challenge for the new emerging economic is to distribute wealth among the people more equitably, and to open up employment opportunities to the whole population. "Tourism is mistakenly considered a rich man's business.


HIV/AIDS, Direct Threat To Health


Published in Scoop Media, Opednews.com: Investing in the health sector makes good sense for socio-economic development. Health is a direct threat to life. Globally, the health infrastructure does not exist any more in many areas. Even people are dying in large numbers from : malaria, acute respiratory infections, anaemia and acute diarrhoea.



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