Kamala 'Sarup'

Abuse of HIV/AIDS patients


HIV/AIDS is a worldwide epidemic, primarily killing people in poor countries in Asia and Africa. Nearly one-third of countries do not have access to counseling, social support and medical care. They also suffer economic rights and do not have laws to protect them. Also, because of traditional values and norms, safer sex practices continue to be difficult in most of the countries which makes prevention difficult. They have also been deprived of CD4 cell count facilities, and of the widely available antiretroviral (ARV) drugs.

For women, the situation is particularly worrisome.


Against Trump’s Student Immigration Policies


During my university years, I once heard someone say that the United States is the land of the melting pot. I always pondered the strange terms referenced and wanted to know the contents that were melting.

When I first arrived in the US, the phrase revealed and unfolded itself like an origami that is both expected and surprising simultaneously. The journey from the airport to the place I stayed in, I saw people from various countries: race, culture, ethnicity, and color. The sudden awareness of the true meaning made me feel special as I was now a part of the pot too.


They are just beautiful



Kamala 'Sarup'

My bosses  Kelly and Andrew from Middle Township have such great character.  I felt particularly heartbroken last week because we lost a beautiful human being jacob. I cried,  he was undoubtedly an expert in making jokes and enjoyed talking.


My perspectives on rape, and counter opinions


There were also report in the media of women and young women being socially targeted.  General lawlessness have also increased rape of women, in the society as a whole, because the police are so diverted with crime and violence that they have tended to ignore civil crimes. And of course, the media have reported many incidents of rape by men.


Reducing poverty results in less dangerous


Among many factors the poor status of the development activities are also more responsible for the whole cause. From century  people's economic system remain unchanged. Poor political system, and poor programs are equally responsible. literacy rate is still low, infant mortality rate is still high.  Other serious problem are seen in the policy area, such as in school curriculum development, and quality of education.


Human behavior implies the progress of the political


Human behavior implies the progress


Human behavior implies the progress of the political


On the behavior plan, there is a thought or action to transfer behavior from the men to the women; no doubt the people will like this. At present, the some people prefer to send certain and specific amounts to the love to men and women. It seems that some of the men will send massive sums of kindness, respect and love to the people as an act of human kindness.  The best that can be done is to continue with good behavior, which takes  time from the kind of classes of the men and spreads it to the people.


Education and recidivism go against each other


The disparity in state spending on prison has risen nearly 3 times in comparison to education whereas in some states like Colorado, South Dakota and, Wyoming the number has raised up to 5, 6 and 7 respectively. I believe this is a serious dilemma.


COVID-19 and Returning to work


COVID-19 and Returning to work

I was at home for almost three months without work and it was not a
happy moment due to the ongoing pandemic. In NJ alone, the
unemployment rate reached 15.3% in April (Marcus, 2020) due to the
temporary closing of the business and establishment that helped put
food on the table for these people. “The jobless rate is the highest
since record-keeping began in 1976, the state labor commissioner said
and exceeded the national rate, which hit 14.7% in April. A staggering



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