
Prem - Mandir : Wonderful Divine Love of Radha -


Prem - Mandir : Wonderful Divine Love of Radha - Krishna

——————————————————————————— — Dr Surendra Bhakta Pradhanang

Love is love .Love is all .Love is life . Love is heart .Love is something for everything. Love is everything for something . In understanding love , we meditate Radha - Krishna - the super love in spiritual soul .


Surendra-Tara Distinguished Award Function


Surendra-Tara Distinguished Award Function Held in EPS Baneshwor

———————————————————————————————— The incentive in education sector is a propensity to encourage people in large. The cash prize of Rs 10,000 along with certificate and medal is a sign of initiating man and society.Respect positively to mankind is a path of development and standardization .


United States unites for Peace in Israel and Palestine


People across the United States are coming together in big cities to ask Israel and Hamas, a group in Palestine, to stop fighting. I joined this effort too. I'm suggesting that Israel and Palestine should stop fighting and try to find a way to end the wars without making things worse. To achieve long-lasting peace between the two countries, I think there should be two steps.


Kurti—EU Tensions Are Most Damaging To Kosovo’s National Interests


Kurti—EU Tensions Are Most Damaging To Kosovo’s National Interests

Kosovo’s Prime Minister Albin Kurti is still wallowing in his obsession with Serbia and seems to never understand that Kosovo’s independence, security, and well-being do not depend on what Serbia’s President Vucic says or does but only on the commitments of the EU and the US to safeguard Kosovo’s security and independence


Early and accurate TB diagnosis is the gateway


If we are to end TB, then we have to find every person with TB and offer accurate and timely diagnosis, treatment, care and support. In other words, we have to eliminate ‘delayed or missed diagnosis’ by making “early and accurate TB diagnosis” a norm, before we can further embark on the #endTB pathway with full force. By doing so, not only people with TB will get treated early on, but we might also have a better shot at breaking the chain of infection transmission.


A Surprising Connection: How My Employers Changed My Life


Life has its twists and turns, and sometimes, unexpected encounters can shape our lives in profound ways. My bosses, Kelly Lavorgna and Andrew Bares, are true examples of excellence in their field.

When I lost my older sister, I left my old job and faced emotional pain and an uncertain future. The grief was overwhelming, leaving me lost and full of questions. I stopped writing the articles I used to write.


Annapurna Neuro Hospital : Overview On Spine Surgery


A popular name in central Kathmandu is Annapurna Neurological Institute & Allied Sciences Hospital.This institute is a recognized and best of all health center for wellbeing of human life .


When farmers choose to grow food


When farmers choose to grow food, not tobacco, sustainable development wins


"We need food, not tobacco," was the theme of the World No Tobacco Day 2023. The UN health agency, the World Health Organization (WHO) rightly points out that tobacco contributes to increased food insecurity. Apart from being a deadly health hazard that is responsible for over 8 million deaths every year globally, tobacco production also adversely impacts economic stability, food security, gender equality, and our environment.


Midway to Agenda 2030


Midway to Agenda 2030: Why are we off the track on gender equality?




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